Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Did You Hear That?

What is a Cledon?

A Cledon is regarded as a Spiritual Message that is directed to a  person that comes from a source one may never expect. It is delivered through different modalities and is said to come from the Universe and delivered according to Divine Synchronicity.

Ancient Greek civilization was quite privy to this practice as they prayed to the god, Apollo for guidance to be blessed with an answer they needed to hear in response to a personal issue. They'd listen for clues heard among strangers at the market, or friends talking in the streets or at certain functions. They were well-trained to tune into conversations of all types never knowing when an answer would come through.

This practice is still used today. Many people receive Cledons even though they did not appeal to spirit for an answer. It just seems to come unexpectedly through means of television, radio, conversations from strangers, and songs, just to mention a few.

Your answer to a life-changing decision may come to you when you least expect it, and when it does, it makes a grand appearance. Should you hear your message via a conversation, song, or TV, the tone will seem to be louder than normal or even be in a different pitch to gain your attention.

My Experience:

I was battling an ant invasion in my home last year and had tried everything to get rid of these pesky tiny invaders.  The following week I was at the store in the craft aisle when I saw a woman with her daughter reaching for a pack of chalk. The young girl boldly told her mother she wanted the colored chalk when her mother told her this pack of white chalk was to ward off the ants.  I had to investigate this further as I asked the woman how this worked. She'd told me to draw lines of chalk along the baseboards as the chalk chokes the ants and stops them in their tracks.  After grabbing a few packs I thanked her and gave it a try. It worked like a charm. Who knew I'd find the solution to my problem at the drug store? I might not have heard this had the child not raised her voice in frustration when her mother was buying the white chalk.  So this is where the Cledon went into action—the conversation turned louder causing me to perk up my ears.

Ask and You Shall Receive ~

We receive Cledons all the time, it's only when we tune into signs that we will find, hear or see a message that we were looking for. Spirit is always communicating with you and all you have to do is ask for an answer and wait for the sign to appear where you least expect it. Take some time to ask for guidance on something and wait for Spirit to deliver—it may come right away or at a later time.  The more you tune into these messages the more you will receive them. Start practicing today and see what comes your way and how your answer was delivered. Be open to a few surprises. 

Reference ~

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